Maremmano Shepherd Dog Rescued by Carabinieri in Italy

Avella, denutrito e legato con la catena in un canale
Avella, denutrito e legato con la catena in un canale
Friday 8 March 2024, 14:05
2 Minutes of Reading
A Maremmano Shepherd Dog was tied to a chain in a water runoff channel, rescued by the Carabinieri. Thanks to a report from a citizen, a patrol of the Radiomobile Unit of the Carabinieri Company of Baiano intervened in Avella along the SS 7 bis. Here the soldiers found a malnourished Maremmano shepherd dog, tied with a chain inside a channel for the runoff of rainwater. The Carabinieri immediately freed the dog, which was transported by ambulance to a veterinary clinic for the necessary treatment. Investigations are underway to identify who tied and abandoned the dog.
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