Meeting between the National Guarantor for the rights of people deprived of their liberty and the President of the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Il Tribunale di Santa Maria Capua Vetere
Il Tribunale di Santa Maria Capua Vetere
Friday 23 February 2024, 16:18
2 Minutes of Reading
Felice Maurizio D'Ettore, president of the National Guarantor for the rights of people deprived of their liberty (Gnpl), met with the president of the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Gabriella Maria Casella, as part of the scheduled meetings of the last days with the authorities of the Campania region. After discussing the common lines of their respective mandates, Casella, in a perspective of inter-institutional collaboration, proposed to inaugurate 'a table that has as its objective the strengthening of public utility work and the evaluation of the correct assumptions to allow to conceive and frame the sentence not only as imprisonment'. The table should bring together and involve the Prefecture, the Criminal Chamber, the Surveillance Court, the Bar Association, the prison staff with the Management, the heads of the Security Area and the Educational Area, the chaplain of the Penitentiary Institute as well as other institutional subjects committed to common themes. The meeting between D'Ettore and Casella was also an opportunity to encourage 'an approach - said D'Ettore - that, for sensitive issues such as deprivation of liberty, intends to privilege the idea of a united and solidary response from the various State Institutions'.
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