Mozzarella Fraud: Seizure and Precautionary Measures in Caserta

Latte sequestrato dai carabinieri
Latte sequestrato dai carabinieri
Wednesday 8 May 2024, 12:43 - Last updated : 9 May, 19:01
2 Minutes of Reading
Mozzarella sold as PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) but not complying with the specifications: seizure and precautionary measures for a commercial fraud. Three people were subjected to a residence ban in the province of Caserta following an investigation by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Santa Maria Capua Vetere. The Carabinieri of the Capua company executed a precautionary measure of residence ban in the province of Caserta against them. The suspects are accused of marketing "Campana buffalo mozzarella" with a PDO label that, in terms of origin, quantity, and quality, was different from what was declared on the label. This precautionary measure is the culmination of a thorough investigation conducted by the Carabinieri of the Vitulazio station, supported by those of the Agri-food Protection Department of Salerno, initiated in August 2023 and concluded in October 2023. Specifically, through targeted and extensive investigative activity, it was ascertained that the company in question systematically sold, at its own point of sale and at other points of sale in Italy and abroad, buffalo mozzarella with PDO label and buffalo milk mozzarella purportedly made from 100% buffalo milk, which in reality were composed of a mixture of buffalo milk and cow's milk, the latter often predominating (whereas the specifications exclude the presence of cow's milk in the production of Campana buffalo mozzarella). It was also established that the mozzarellas were distributed to other dairies in the area, dairies in northern and southern Italy, as well as in France and Austria. In particular, some of these products were also intended for large-scale distribution. In this way, a significant economic advantage could be obtained, to the detriment of the final buyer, who purchased a product different from what was indicated on the label. The precise work of collecting and analyzing GPS data, phone records, as well as listening to phone taps and observation services, together with the results of the analyses on the seized products, made it possible to reconstruct the facts of the case, although it is still in the preliminary investigation phase and therefore without having yet acquired the alternative reconstruction of the facts by the defense of the suspects.
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