Naples Bypass Toll Evasion: Driver Dodges Fees 872 Times

Tangenziale di Napoli
Tangenziale di Napoli
Tuesday 7 May 2024, 13:23
2 Minutes of Reading
She evaded the toll on the Naples bypass 872 times, passing through the Telepass or Viacard lanes following vehicles that possessed the respective payment instruments. The defaulting motorist was sentenced to six months in prison for the crime of fraudulent and continuous insolvency, compensation for damage, reimbursement of tolls, and payment of legal expenses. The Gip of the Naples Court, upon complaint filed by the Società Tangenziale di Napoli S.p.A., issued a conviction against Mrs. M. G., without contradiction and without trial (also considering the habitual nature of the conduct) for having passed 872 times on the Bypass without ever paying the toll. The woman used to transit through the Telepass and/or viacard lane despite not having the electronic instruments for payment. With her car, she would tailgate other vehicles in front of her that possessed a regular payment device, thus evading the toll payment. The repeated offenses were detected thanks to the video surveillance system in operation on all lanes 24 hours a day.
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