Naples Commune Launches Second Edition of 'Behind Every Name, No Other' Contest

Napoli, al via il concorso per le scuole «Dietro ogni nome nessun'altra» contro la violenza di genere
Napoli, al via il concorso per le scuole «Dietro ogni nome nessun'altra» contro la violenza di genere
Monday 8 April 2024, 11:22
2 Minutes of Reading
The Municipality of Naples chooses the I.C. Massimo Troisi of Pianura to present the new contest 'Behind every name, no other'. The President of the municipal council, Enza Amato, on April 11th at 12.00 PM in the complex of Via De Chirico will kick off the second edition of the contest dedicated to Neapolitan school institutes. 'To sensitize, educate, promote a deep cultural change that ends gender violence is the goal of the second edition of the Contest "Behind every name, no other". This is the goal of the municipal festival'. The choice of the institute from Pianura, directed by professor Vera Brancatelli, is a reward for the commitment on the territory with cultural initiatives that have brought the periphery of Pianura to be at the center of a positive message of social redemption. The numerous initiatives coordinated by professor Giulia Supino with the support of the entire teaching body have turned the spotlight on a peripheral reality no longer at the margin of the city but a driving force to contribute to the growth of new generations. The president Enza Amato, always at the forefront in the fight against all forms of gender violence, will inaugurate at the I.C. Massimo Troisi the second edition of the contest 'Behind every name, no other'.
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