Naples Man Arrested with 12.5kg of Marijuana

Napoli, nascondeva 12 chili di marijuana in un locale in disuso: arrestato 27enne
Napoli, nascondeva 12 chili di marijuana in un locale in disuso: arrestato 27enne
Monday 29 April 2024, 14:38 - Last updated : 14:45
2 Minutes of Reading
On Saturday afternoon, the mobile squad hawks, while passing through Mercato square, checked a person, already known to the operators, who immediately showed intolerance to the police control. At that time, the man was found in possession of a bunch of keys. Indeed, the investigative intuition of the operators found positive confirmation as with one of the keys found, the agents opened the door of a premises used by the suspect where they found, inside the bathroom, 10 vacuum-sealed bags containing about 12.5 kg of marijuana. For these reasons, a 27-year-old man from Naples with a police record, was arrested for illegal possession of drugs.
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