Naples Municipality Orders Immediate Tree Safety Measures to Protect Public and Property

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La zona pericolante vista da Google Earth
Monday 18 March 2024, 17:51 - Last updated : 18:44
2 Minutes of Reading
The Municipality of Naples has today released a document in which it warns the Floridiana to carry out safety works on overhanging tree branches that pose a risk to some homes on via Aniello Falcone. The issue first came to light, according to the document signed by Mayor Manfredi, on Christmas Day 2023 when "following the intervention of the Provincial Command of the Fire Brigade and the Civil Protection Service at via Aniello Falcone near number 153, it was found as follows: presence of tall trees with overhanging branches, looming over the public road below and adjacent homes, rooted in the Villa Floridiana - Museo Duca di Martina"; On December 27, the municipal police ordered the person responsible for the Floridiana to carry out urgent works to eliminate the danger. So far the past story of the affair, to which is added the chapter published today, March 18, 2024, in which it is explained that "to the records of the Public Green Service, a suitable certificate of eliminated danger relating to the indicated warning measure has not been acquired", and that "considering that, at present, the detected instabilities constitute potential dangers that threaten public safety and, therefore, it is urgent to proceed with the relevant checks and any provisional safety measures, in order to eliminate any danger for the protection of people's safety and integrity of property". The Floridiana's managers are ordered by Gaetano Manfredi, in the document published today "to immediately, without any delay, take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of people and the integrity of goods from feared collapses of trees, or parts of them looming over public passage areas, by carrying out the relevant technical checks and any provisional safety measures of the places", and are given a maximum of ten days to deliver to the Public Green Service the certificates that prove the elimination of the danger. In the absence of rapid interventions, the mayor of Naples explains that "any damages to people and things resulting from the failure to comply with this provision will be charged to the same subject recipient of the same provision" and, above all, clarifies that there are no alternatives to "reporting to the Judicial Authority for the crimes of the Penal Code related to the non-compliance with the ordinance".
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