Naples Police Arrest Man for Illegal Drug Possession

Pattuglia della polizia
Pattuglia della polizia
Wednesday 8 May 2024, 17:18
2 Minutes of Reading
The officers of the Vasto-Arenaccia Police Station, during their patrol duty, while passing through via Loffredi, noticed an individual who, just after leaving a house, was about to hand over a package to another person; the latter, upon seeing them, quickly walked away. The police, promptly intervening to stop the criminal process, reached and stopped the suspect finding him in possession of 3 packages of marijuana weighing about 5 grams and 60 euros. Moreover, having good reason to believe that there could be further elements regarding the facts under investigation, the officers conducted a search at his residence where they found another 2 packages of marijuana weighing about 35 grams, two precision scales, various materials for packaging the drug, and 540 euros, divided into banknotes of various denominations. For these reasons, a 51-year-old Ghanaian man, with a criminal record, was arrested for illegal possession of narcotics.
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