Naples Police Arrests 18-Year-Old in Drug Bust

Droga e soldi trovati dalla polizia addosso al 18enne
Droga e soldi trovati dalla polizia addosso al 18enne
Wednesday 31 January 2024, 14:12 - Last updated : 17:22
2 Minutes of Reading
Yesterday morning, agents from the Scampia police station, while passing near a building on Ghisleri Street, noticed an individual who, after receiving some money, handed something over to some people; these last ones then hastily moved away. The police immediately intervened to interrupt the criminal process by stopping the suspect who was found in possession of 52 capsules containing cocaine with a total weight of about 32 grams, 44 packages with about 39 grams of heroin and 971 euros, divided into banknotes of various denominations. For these reasons, the 18-year-old Neapolitan was arrested for illegal possession and transfer of drugs.
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