Naples Police Crackdown: Arrest and Charges in Drug Dealing Operation

Agente di polizia
Agente di polizia
Saturday 16 March 2024, 18:58
2 Minutes of Reading
Yesterday, officers from the San Ferdinando Police Station, during their patrol duties, noticed a man arriving in a car and stopping near a building on via Domenico Fontana. The suspect waited for a woman to appear on the balcony, who quickly lowered a basket containing money; the man took the money and placed an envelope in the basket before heading towards the car where two women were waiting for him. The police immediately intervened, stopping the car with the three individuals inside and found a sum of 75 euros and a package of 0.22 grams of amphetamine, while in the buyer’s residence, they found 0.35 grams of cocaine. Consequently, a 38-year-old man from Naples with a criminal record was arrested for possession and illicit distribution of drugs, while the two women, a 23-year-old and a 48-year-old, both from Naples, were charged with possession with intent to distribute drugs; the buyer was administratively fined for possession of drugs for personal use.
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