Naples Ring Road Spa Receives Excellence Certificate from Imq Spa

La galleria della tangenziale
La galleria della tangenziale
Monday 13 May 2024, 13:23
2 Minutes of Reading

Excellence Certificate: is the recognition of excellence awarded to Naples Ring Road Spa by Imq Spa, a leader in the conformity assessment sector.

«The certificate - reads a note - rewards the company for the number and quality of its certified management systems, which testify to a constant commitment to excellence. The certifications obtained over the years by Naples Ring Road are six and concern the management system for quality, environment, energy, health and safety at work, road safety, and anti-corruption».

«Management system certifications are an indicator of reliability and effectiveness for all stakeholders - states Fulvio Giorgi, CEO of Imq Spa - The Excellence Certificate aims to highlight the commitment to excellence that Naples Ring Road Spa has dedicated to the management of the network and the highway circulation, in terms of viability, safety, control, and information to the users».

The certifications obtained by Naples Ring Road concern the management of a network and a highway circulation of strategic importance, with traffic equal to 240,000 transits per day and 87 million annually. «We are proud to receive the Excellence Certificate, which adds value to our company and recognizes our commitment to a more modern, technological, and sustainable infrastructure - states Luigi Massa, CEO of Naples Ring Road - Our goal is to become a national prototype of sustainable infrastructure, capable of facing the crucial challenges of future mobility».

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