Napoli's Champions League Farewell: A Saturday to Forget

Napoli-Atalanta 0-3
Napoli-Atalanta 0-3
Saturday 30 March 2024, 15:14
2 Minutes of Reading
It was supposed to be the comeback match, it will most likely be the one where Napoli says goodbye to the Champions League for good. A Saturday to forget for Francesco Calzona: "When you lose like this at home, the protest is obvious. They have never done it until now, today it is legitimate," said the blue coach "The Juan Jesus affair did not affect us." He continued in the press conference: "We lack solidity, we are a fragile team when we do not have the ball. But we are not a team, simply, we do not play as a unit. I expected solidity today and when you don't have it against strong teams like Atalanta it becomes difficult. Us without enthusiasm? Not this. The team, despite the confusion, tried to reopen the game until the 90th minute. In the second half we had four clear chances, without enthusiasm we would not have done it." Now the European hope remains: can the Europa League or Conference be a goal? "The Champions League is far away, for the rest we are still in the game, but we need to win. The team must find the strength to get back up. Even if it doesn't have it, it must find it. We must have pride and respect for the city of Napoli," he added "We are unable to create chances with organization but with personal initiatives. Especially as soon as the formation changes. I don't think my commitment with the national team has changed things for this match," concluded Calzona.
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