New Activities Scheduled at Filangieri Museum in Naples

Joga al museo Filangieri
Joga al museo Filangieri
Wednesday 7 February 2024, 21:49
2 Minutes of Reading

A new series of initiatives are planned at the Filangieri Museum in Naples: culture, fun and well-being. It starts on Tuesday, February 13 at 4 pm with Carnival for children between 5 and 10 years old: a very original Pulcinella has called young visitors on a child-sized itinerary, telling the story of the museum through play. A party where you can also learn about traditions and the most famous masks. Tickets: 12 euros per child, accompanying parents pay 5. Reservation required at 351.1995125, also via whatsapp.

On Wednesday, February 14 at 5:45 pm, the book "The Last Gentle City" by Giovanni Scipioni, a science fiction thriller published by Homo Scrivens, is presented. The novel, set in a post-apocalyptic future, tells the events and mysteries of the town of Godborg and its only inhabitant, the commissioner. The author discusses it with Stella Cervasio and Serena Venditto, with readings by Antonio Torino.

Then, February 17 at 5 pm Hatha, with Vincenzo Improta. Yoga, in particular, is a way to deepen the awareness of the breath and push it beyond the usual chest area, with both physical and mental benefits. And on February 24 at 6 pm there is Vinyasa, with Stefania Cristiano. "Full Moon Flow, the push towards intuition": Pranayama (breath) techniques and a small meditation session to channel energy, enter the dance of the universe and, with the right rhythm, each its own, achieve self-healing. Infoline: 371.5217747.

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