New Episode of Violence Against a Healthcare Worker in Naples

Frattamaggiore, infermiera del 118 aggredita dopo l'intervento in casa
Frattamaggiore, infermiera del 118 aggredita dopo l'intervento in casa
Monday 26 February 2024, 11:23 - Last updated : 16:46
2 Minutes of Reading

A new episode of violence against a healthcare worker in Naples. «Nurse from the 118 of Frattamaggiore attacked», reports the association Nobody touch Hippocrates (NtI), posting on Facebook what for the Asl Naples 2 is the 10th attack of 2024.

The balance rises to 18 total attacks between Naples 1 and Naples 2 since the beginning of the year. «The moment of peace that the territory of Naples and province was experiencing from the point of view of attacks on healthcare personnel is interrupted», writes NtI.

«Tonight - it reports - the 118 station of Frattamaggiore was activated for cardiac arrest in Casoria. The nurse goes up first in the apartment and finds the enraged family for a non-existent delay. Among these a person with mental problems who injures the professional with a punch, causing a wound to her lip. Once again a woman attacked! Our full solidarity to the colleague».

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