Operation 'Land of Fires': A Comprehensive Crackdown

Terra dei Fuochi, maxi controlli per l'«Action Day»: multe per smaltimento illecito e roghi
Terra dei Fuochi, maxi controlli per l'«Action Day»: multe per smaltimento illecito e roghi
Thursday 2 May 2024, 12:07 - Last updated : 3 May, 10:31
2 Minutes of Reading
In the context of the 'Land of Fires' operation conducted by the Campania grouping, last week concluded new 'Action days', a consolidated operational mode in close collaboration with the Prefectural body delegated to manage the phenomenon of fires in the 'Land of Fires' and the police forces to counter, in a targeted and selective manner, illegal activities for the illicit disposal of waste and for the prevention and combat of fires. The activities were carried out in some municipalities in the area between Naples and Caserta, through a network of mobile controls along predefined routes, checks at production and commercial premises, which led to the seizure of various commercial activities for health and environmental violations, with consequent reports to the owners and the imposition of administrative sanctions for about 60,000 euros. Since the beginning of the year, 151 commercial activities have been inspected, of which 112 were seized, 37 new illegal dumping sites were registered, 10 waste fires were extinguished, 78 vehicles were seized, and sanctions were imposed for a total of about 700,000 euros. Currently, about 1,000 soldiers from the Army of the Campania grouping, based on the 82nd Infantry Regiment 'Torino', contribute to the defense of the citizen, ensuring an effective security framework through the execution of static and dynamic activities, for the prevention and combat of illegal activities.
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