Paradise 2024: A New Italian Late Night Show

Valeria Marini tra le ospiti della prima serata
Valeria Marini tra le ospiti della prima serata
Thursday 29 February 2024, 17:51
2 Minutes of Reading
Telethon president Luca di Montezemolo, American director Paul Feig (Ghostbusters, Spy, A Simple Favor) and Valeria Marini are among the guests of Pascal Vicedomini, in the first episode of "Paradise 2024", Friday, March 1, on Rai2 (after midnight). The 'Italian-style late night show' dedicated to fashion, art, entertainment, wellness, and lifestyle. 14 new original episodes (rebroadcast on Saturday morning at 7) of a variety show that celebrates the talent and achievements of our artists and also gives space to the main news of the international show-business. From the Auditorium of the Conciliation, between a story and a live performance of the Paradise Orchestra (led by maestro Moreno Conficconi with singers Alessia Dalcielo and Rita Pilato) and the musical guests of the show, Vicedomini will open many 'windows' on the main events through interviews with the protagonists and exclusive services. The fixed cast of the show includes actors Aurelio Amato, Caterina Milicchio, and Graziano Scarabicchi; showgirl Maylin Aguirre, the young model-actress Dalia Kalala (seen in "Pare, parecchio, Parigi" by Piereccioni); professor Pietro Lorenzetti; choreographer Stefano Oradei, with eight dancers. Among the other guests of the first episode will also be the 'Incanto Quartet' with a tribute to composer Leonard Bernstein, Silvana Giacobini (for the column "Living well, living better, living long"), the award-winning chef Alfonso Iaccarino from Sorrento, the entrepreneurs Gino Fammiano, Gianluca Isaia, and Giovanni Acanfora to talk about Italy to export, the director of the Museum of Savings Giovanna Paladino and the Band of the Municipal Police of Rome Capital. "Paradise 2024" will be a magazine full of testimonials and contributions from the great protagonists of every kind of entertainment, with insights, incursions behind the scenes, previews from film sets, news coming in various sectors of entertainment - declares Pascal Vicedomini adding also - the program's goal (which benefits from the theatrical direction of Stefano Sartini, the Photography of Marco Lucarelli, the production supervision of Amedeo Staiano and the editing of Nino Baldi) is to contribute to the 'formation' of the positive sentiment and the 'joy of living' of the viewers. An opportunity to relaunch in an unusual way everything that makes art and entertainment to promote the development of the entertainment industry, and encourage the public to frequent places of entertainment.
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