Parent Training Course for Autism to be Held in Aversa

La sede Asl di Aversa
La sede Asl di Aversa
Tuesday 20 February 2024, 15:29
2 Minutes of Reading

On February 23 and 24, the second 'In Family 2' parent training course will take place at the headquarters of Aversa in Santa Lucia street n. 81 (Monoblock A - main hall). The course is aimed at parents of children aged 7 to 12, following the parent training course for the age range 0-6 years. A course for the age range 13-18 years is also being planned.

The purpose of the course is to provide parents of children with Asd with knowledge of autism and educational intervention strategies, the training days will indeed be theoretical (didactic lesson) and experiential (workshops-discussion of cases-working groups); topics such as intersubjectivity, food selectivity and sensory aspects in autism will be discussed. Parents will be prepared to manage their children's 'problem behaviors' in life settings.


The teachers are two experts in Parent Training: Dr. Arduino Giuseppe Maurizio, head of the simple departmental structure of psychology and psychopathology of development (including the Autism and Asperger's syndrome House) Asl Cn1, guideline panel member for autism at the Higher Institute of Health and Dr. Chiara Rubino psychologist/psychotherapist at the Autism and Asperger's syndrome Center (Casa Asl Cn1) with a psychoeducational consultancy project and conducting Parent Training groups. The scientific director of the course is Dr. Giuseppina Liguori, acting director of the Uosd coordination of basic psychology and emergency states- coordination of Nnpia. The meetings will be preceded by the institutional greetings of the general director of the Asl Dr. Amedeo Blasotti.

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