Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission Requests Documents on Alleged Electoral Exchange with Mafia

Il Procuratore Nicola Gratteri
Il Procuratore Nicola Gratteri
Monday 6 May 2024, 15:00 - Last updated : 7 May, 07:01
2 Minutes of Reading
The Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission, it has been learned, has requested the documents of the investigation into the alleged political-mafia electoral exchange that has led to arrests today in Cercola. In recent weeks, the Commission had moved in the same way also for other similar investigations. The investigation conducted by prosecutors Capuano and Woodcock, is not the first event. It happened in 2020, when members of the De Luca Bossa intervened in the Caravita district of Cercola. The investigation Under the spotlight thus falls Antonietta Ponticelli (Europa Verde), daughter of the lifer Gianfranco Ponticelli, deemed responsible for the so-called auction democracy, regarding the racket on public housing; but also Giusy De Micco, candidate for city council, listed in the Europa Verde list (she is the sister of Sabino, municipal councilor in Ponticelli), in a scenario where the father of the candidate Giusy De Micco is also involved.
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