Performance: Navigating Modern Frenzy and Social Media Satire

Edoardo Ferrario
Edoardo Ferrario
Monday 15 April 2024, 00:46 - Last updated : 09:15
2 Minutes of Reading
Modern times frenzy, artificial intelligence, the dictatorship of political correctness, these are some of the ingredients of "Performance", the new show by Edoardo Ferrario, on stage tonight, Monday, April 15, in Naples, Sannazaro theater, at 9 PM. Runner-up at "LoL 4" (behind Panariello), the Roman comedian has also returned to the cast of the Gialappa's show: "When I heard them laugh at my jokes, I thought I had made it", he explains. Why this title, Ferrario? "It's a reference to excessive exposure on social media. Today it seems that if you don't share something, you don't exist. So I'm doing this group therapy, which makes fun of our weaknesses. I hope to achieve the same result in Naples, where the audience is always warm." What is your relationship with social media? "It's conflictual, I mainly use it for work. I have difficulty, however, in sharing private life moments, which is the mental blackmail they are based on, also due to a sort of voyeurism of people. You have to perform at all costs. Even the gas station attendant below my house is a TikTok star, and this allows him to earn more. That's why I think it's useful to establish courses on responsible use of social media." You would never line up for a sandwich from Donato, "with or without crumb?" "As a food lover, I would do it to taste the sandwich, not to show off the video on TikTok." Have you ever self-censored? "No. There's this idea that a joke about a more sensitive category is necessarily offensive, instead, it can be a sign of interest. I fear that for fear of saying something wrong, we will end up not saying anything." However, you don't do political satire. "Because it has become stale, I prefer the one about voters." Will you write a sketch about your journey on "Lol"? "I still have to metabolize what happened, but I will definitely do it. In anticipation of the program, I had trained to hold back laughter, but in the end, I gave in to Giorgio Panariello, who performed "Amore grande amore libero" played with a spray bottle and a can of paint." How is "I have this idea", the vodcast you host with Valerio Lundini, launched at the "Giffoni film festival", going? "It's bearing fruit, some ideas from young screenwriters are already in development. The format will continue." Your career started on YouTube 10 years ago. Why did you choose that medium? "When I started, television did not contemplate those contents. Fortunately, there were other platforms, and the success of that university series, "Exams", has generated a loyal audience that still follows me."
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