Police and Finance Guard Conduct Checks in Naples Nightlife Areas

Napoli, controlli di polizia al Vomero: multe per sei esercizi commerciali
Napoli, controlli di polizia al Vomero: multe per sei esercizi commerciali
Sunday 25 February 2024, 12:54 - Last updated : 14:55
2 Minutes of Reading

Yesterday, as part of the services set up by the Naples Police Headquarters in the areas of the "nightlife", the officers of the Vomero, Pianura, Chiaiano, Nuovo Palazzo di Giustizia, Poggioreale, Administrative and Social Division, Anti-crime Division, and the finance officers of the Guardia di Finanza, carried out checks in the Vomero district and in particular in San Martino, in Vanvitelli and Medaglie D’Oro squares and in Giordano, Scarlatti and Falcone streets.

During the service, the operators identified 247 people, of whom 33 had previous police records, checked 120 vehicles, and reported 2 violations of the Highway Code; moreover, 6 commercial establishments were checked.

Furthermore, with the help of personnel from the Asl Na1, 6 commercial establishments were checked and 45 prescriptions for violations in the field of health and safety at work were imposed, 117 jars of sauce were seized for a total of 35kg and fines were issued for 4000 euros for violation of HACCP regulations (related to food safety and hygiene conditions).

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