Prison Officer Assaulted by Inmate in Avellino: Calls for Legal Intervention

Avellino, detenuto magrebino aggredisce agente: 7 giorni di prognosi
Avellino, detenuto magrebino aggredisce agente: 7 giorni di prognosi
Saturday 17 February 2024, 10:58
2 Minutes of Reading

A prison officer on duty in the Avellino prison was attacked last night by a Maghreb inmate who had already shown aggression on other occasions. The police officer had to resort to the care of the medical staff of the Moscati hospital who deemed him to be on leave for seven days.

"We need to intervene legislatively to eliminate legal benefits for those who are responsible for assaults on prison police personnel", says the regional secretary of the Uspp Ciro Auricchio, for whom it is also necessary "a protocol of agreement with foreign countries to serve the sentence in the countries of origin of North African prisoners".

"In the Avellino prison - says the unionist - thanks to the inclusion of the new leaders, director and commander, it is possible to guarantee, despite the chronic shortage of staff, order and internal security. The solidarity of the union goes to the assaulted colleague".

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