Promoting Sustainable Mobility in Ponte Valentino's Industrial Area

L'area industriale di Ponte Valentino
L'area industriale di Ponte Valentino
Tuesday 5 March 2024, 19:45 - Last updated : 19:50
2 Minutes of Reading

Reducing the flow of cars to and from the Ponte Valentino industrial area, and thus also the accidents involving workers, is the goal of the memorandum of understanding for sustainable mobility promoted by the provincial advisory committee Inail of Benevento and signed by Cna Campania Nord.

“Among the main causes of accidents in the Benevento area are those related to commuting to and from the workplace - emphasized the president of Cna Campania Nord Vincenzo Santo - which predominantly occur by private means despite there being conditions to use public ones. The goal of the project is to reverse the trend, to promote a shift in line with the green directives coming from Europe by promoting a sustainable mobility plan that must be developed in agreement between the social partners and employers' associations”.

The project starts on an experimental basis for the Ponte Valentino industrial agglomerate. “Sustainable mobility is a principle in which we believe to build a new development model that focuses on the safety of workers and environmental protection - Santo emphasized again -; our goal is to replicate similar projects elsewhere”.

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