Protest for Protection of 70 Vulnerable Workers at Call.It Facing Salary Issues

Il segretario Cgil Slc Napoli e Campania Gianluca Daniele
Il segretario Cgil Slc Napoli e Campania Gianluca Daniele
Tuesday 9 April 2024, 15:36 - Last updated : 15:55
2 Minutes of Reading
A new outpost outside the Campania Region to protect the 70 workers, belonging to protected categories, of Call.It, Consorzio Sintesi, who risk being left without a salary at the end of the month: "The entire employment perimeter - explains Gianluca Daniele, general secretary of Slc Cgil Naples and Campania - has been in wage supplementation since January. The company, as per agreements, has advanced the first four months and then the INPS must take over. But there is a strong risk that the workers will not receive a euro because the process is slow, due to errors made by the Ministry of Labor. This is absolutely unacceptable. The Region must intervene and in the next few days we will organize a new demonstration to try to solve a situation that has lasted for too long." In June, the first verdicts on the open disputes of workers who have asked to be absorbed by Wind-Tre, which was the client of Call.It: "It is crucial - continues Daniele - that Wind3 hires all 70 workers to provide stability to as many families, obviously in difficulty due to this situation."
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