Recognition of Italian Excellence in Various Fields

Il dottor Franco Ionna e la dottoressa Maria Lina
Il dottor Franco Ionna e la dottoressa Maria Lina
Wednesday 7 February 2024, 14:05
2 Minutes of Reading

Promoted by the AssoTutela association and delivered in Rome in the Chapter Hall of the Senate of the Republic to the many excellences of the country that have distinguished themselves in their field, the award was also given to the maxillofacial surgeon Franco Ionna and to the biologist Maria Lina Tornesello of the Naples Cancer Institute.

There are men and women who encourage, help, support, the lives of others every day. There are special people who do not give up and inspire and those who perform heroic or heartfelt gestures.

All this is the Italian excellence: personalities from the world of judiciary, law enforcement, politics, medicine, journalism and entertainment who, with their daily commitment, enhance and maintain the balance of society.

The association Assotutela that has created the award dedicated to the «Italian Excellences», now in its tenth edition and which hosted in the Chapter Hall at Palazzo della Minerva the 100 winners.

Among them also Franco Ionna, director of the Maxillo Facial Department and Maria Lina Tornesello, director of the complex structure f.f. Molecular biology and viral oncogenesis, who have received this coveted recognition for the commitment shown in their work in service of oncological patients.

Among the winners are the chief of staff of the navy, the Prefect of Rome, the Rector of the La Sapienza University; and also Paolo Pozzi, the father of Gimmy Pozzi, the 28-year-old kickboxing champion found dead on the island of Ponza in August 2020, in conditions never clarified, and also Pietro Orlandi, brother of Emanuela, the parents of Marco Vannini, the sister of Serena Mollicone.

«It's really a great satisfaction - says the general manager of Pascale, Attilio Bianchi - that two operators of our institute receive the recognition. Thanks to the work of everyone, we continue every day to search for the best for our patients».

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