Retail Sector in Caserta: A Growing Trend Despite Challenges

Lucio Sindaco
Lucio Sindaco
Monday 15 April 2024, 11:50
2 Minutes of Reading

Caserta ranks second in Campania, right after Naples, in terms of the number of retail stores, with an average of 30.2%, and first in terms of the number of employees, reaching 25.2%. A growing figure that is still lower than other productive sectors. This is what emerges from the IV Focus of Svimez for Confcommercio.

Looking deeper into the data, it is noted that between 2019 and 2023, a four-year period characterized by the Covid emergency and the resulting crisis, Caserta, in line with Naples, is the province that has registered fewer closures. Just 3% compared to 5% in Salerno and 7.8% in Avellino. "These data - observes Lucio Sindaco, provincial president of Confcommercio Caserta - tell us that the commercial vocation is growing in the territory but not for all sectors. If in fact the activities related to tourism and administration are experiencing a fairly flourishing period, there are many other sectors in difficulty. Among these, first and foremost, clothing and shoes. And above all, there is an ever greater gap between retail outlets and large distribution. A fact that should make the institutions reflect. Neighborhood stores - he adds - in fact represent a good to be safeguarded because they also perform a social function within the cities. A city center without shops or small businesses will end up deserting with all that depopulation entails. That's why I insist on the need for institutions to support retail sales by providing tax relief, incentives and facilities but also services related to traffic, parking, safety".

Another aspect not to be underestimated is that linked to digitization. "An increasing number of companies, according to what is learned from the Svimez report - explains Sindaco - rely on web techniques and online commerce. Institutions need to be pushed to promote the development of these digital channels so that even the smallest activities can benefit from them". Finally, tourism. "After the positive wave of post Covid - concludes President Sindaco - commerce is dealing with a setback that does not favor new investments in the territory. The exception, as highlighted, are only public exercises and all activities related to reception and hospitality. Yet in Caserta we still can't make that quality leap that would allow tourism to represent the main source of income for the territory. This is a sector that should be better structured to finally counteract the hit and run phenomenon and keep visitors in the city for more than two days. A result that can only be achieved through a synergy between institutions, trade associations and companies".

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