Revitalizing Community Through Culture in Sant'Antimo

Il santuario di Sant'Antimo
Il santuario di Sant'Antimo
Thursday 2 May 2024, 11:29 - Last updated : 3 May, 10:31
2 Minutes of Reading
Starting from the territory and its local community. Encapsulated in this simple paradigm is the essence of "The Invisible City" - a series of events, music, culture, and art that from May 3rd to June 6th will animate the streets of the municipality of Sant'Antimo, funded by the Metropolitan City of Naples among cultural projects for the definition of the Metropolitan Events Billboard 2023-2024. The initiative promoted by the extraordinary commissioner, vice prefect Gabriella D'Orso, who took office last June after the dissolution of the council body, and by her all-female work team composed of deputy commissioners Maria Rosaria Picardi, Corinne Palumbo, and Mariagrazia Cerciello, aims to offer a new perspective on a territory sadly afflicted by news stories, as in the cases of Giulia Tramontano and Brigida Pesacane, but which has a strong sense of territorial pride and belonging and a rich heritage to be enhanced. Starting again from culture, dialogue, and sharing by offering a rich calendar of events and appointments to encourage meeting and sociability and to open a glimpse into the work of prefectural officials called to heal critical situations, but which at the same time can act as a link between the Institutions and the territory, promoting cultural processes and social infrastructure. "The Invisible City," explains vice prefect Gabriella D'Orso, "is a project that intrigued and involved us for a thousand reasons from its very conception. We wanted to scatter seeds of culture here and there, hoping they might sprout. Baroque music in churches to enhance an architectural heritage that deserves to be known and enhanced. Involving schools to stimulate love for beauty in young people. The goal is to create a network where everyone talks to everyone, and the city benefits in terms of solidarity and growth." The program includes initiatives in the city's symbolic places, with book presentations, musical performances, street theater, and artistic installations. It will start on May 3rd with the presentation of the book by Michele La Veglia "The Historical Gallery of the Fire Brigade of Naples", in the church of Sant'Antonio di Padova, followed by the titles of magistrate Paolo Itri, journalist and writer Marco Perillo, and professor Angela Procaccini. Many musical moments, street art with the involvement, among others, of the Churches of the territory, the Moscati Musical High School and the Comprehensive Institutes Giovanni XXIII and Romeo Cammisa of Sant'Antimo. There will also be a moment to reaffirm the local community's firm rejection of gender violence, with the inauguration of the new Anti-Violence Center named after Giulia and Thiago Tramontano, a space for listening and help for all women victims of violence and abuse, a place more accessible and reserved than the current offices, which will be beautified and made more welcoming thanks to the artistic intervention of muralists Trisha Palma and Luca Carnevale. Also awaited is the artistic installation by the sculptor Lello Esposito who will donate a work that will be exhibited inside the municipal building.
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