Revolutionizing Urban Hygiene: Bacoli's Leap Towards Sustainability

Bacoli, raggiunto il 93% di raccolta differenziata: risparmi per 450 mila euro
Bacoli, raggiunto il 93% di raccolta differenziata: risparmi per 450 mila euro
Tuesday 23 April 2024, 14:56 - Last updated : 19:44
2 Minutes of Reading
"I thank Mayor Josi Della Ragione and the Municipality of Bacoli for their trust, already on track for wise use of artificial intelligence in the sector." Thus Valentina Sanfelice di Bagnoli, just confirmed for the second time as the sole administrator of Flegrea Lavoro spa. She will lead the urban hygiene company of the Municipality of Bacoli for the next three years. Born in '71, with a decade of experience in the essential public services sector, she has held the role of sole administrator of the subsidiary since 2021. Under her leadership, the company achieved a record percentage of differentiated waste collection in March 2024, reaching an impressive 93%, making Bacoli among the most virtuous municipalities in Italy. This is demonstrated by the numerous awards given to the administration, including the prestigious Plastic Free Award, obtained for two consecutive years. A result that follows a series of significant actions implemented by the company that are contributing to greatly improve the quality of differentiated waste collection. Like the decision taken by the sole administrator to collect undifferentiated dry waste biweekly, a highly strategic choice that has led to a reduction in the amount of undifferentiated waste from 3,500 tons in 2021 to 1,200 in 2023, with a net saving for the municipal coffers of about 450 thousand euros. This reduction, along with the growth of other differentiated fractions, paper and plastic, has not only increased income for the Municipality of Bacoli but has also led to a reduction of the next waste tax by a cumulative 15% in 2024. The objectives for the next three years are to further improve the results both in terms of urban decorum and differentiated waste collection, to enhance a company that aims more and more to be a model in Italy in terms of public management. "The results achieved reward the commitment of staff and citizens - comments Sanfelice di Bagnoli - for the next three years, I will certainly start from the achieved results, but we intend to aim much at the further improvement of the quality of the services offered to users. For this reason, we have decided to invest in artificial intelligence that allows us to act on simplification and speed to solve users' problems. Contributing to the achievement of the objectives will also be the transfer of Flegrea Lavoro, thanks to the approval of the municipal urban plan, to a much more suitable industrial area than the current one, which will make it even easier for citizens to use the numerous services offered."
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