Rising Awareness Against Gender Violence in Italy

La polizia incontra gli studenti di San Giorgio a Cremano
La polizia incontra gli studenti di San Giorgio a Cremano
Monday 11 March 2024, 16:52 - Last updated : 12 March, 13:29
2 Minutes of Reading
In 2023, every day in Italy, 85 women have been victims of crime (domestic abuse, sexual violence, stalking). The number of female victims is four times higher than that of males, and in 55% of the cases, the perpetrator is someone they live with. These are figures from the State Police included in the brochure "This is not love" presented this morning in an awareness-raising initiative for schools in San Giorgio a Cremano (Naples). In the square, a camper and operators from the Police illustrated to students the first signs of violence (obsessive control, humiliations) urging them not to justify or underestimate it. "This is not love is a permanent campaign of the State Police. We are always available to meet with squares, people, and schools whenever it is requested, and then on special occasions like March or November. It is one of those occasions when spreading what violence is and how it should be intercepted helps us to talk to the younger ones and therefore to make them aware of what the dangers are and the tools to react when violence is intercepted," said Nunzia Brancati, head of the Anti-Crime Division of the Naples Police Department. These campaigns over time have allowed us to raise the sensitivity of all women, of all family contexts on this front. It is no coincidence that the data concerning the crime of domestic abuse are increasing, which, however, does not necessarily mean something negative. It means that the propensity to report has increased and in respect to a crime and a phenomenon like gender violence that is submerged, this represents a step forward. And to women still hesitant to report, she says: "Rely on all the operators in the field. Not necessarily and primarily, if they do not have the courage, to the police forces that are always available but there are also anti-violence centers that are always available to advise and guide. And then, us for the reports: we are available 24/7 in all our presences to collect and welcome their story." In the Vesuvian municipality, there is an Anti-violence Center and a shelter for abused women. "In 2022/2023, there were on average 10-15 cases per year of taking charge, that is, the start of a psychological and legal path to allow women to exit violence," added Manuela Barba, psychotherapist and coordinator of the Anti-violence Center in San Giorgio a Cremano. At the event was also the mayor of San Giorgio a Cremano, Giorgio Zinno: "Not only on March 8th but in this month we put in place many initiatives aimed at making especially young people, but the whole community, understand that women should not find themselves in difficult situations: all individuals of our community should be respected and therefore it is necessary to create social bases so that no one feels in difficulty." The students read and listened to some stories of violence contained in the brochure "This is not love" with interest, asking questions to the operators of the State Police.
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