San Pio Hospital in Benevento: Clinical Records Now Available Online

Ok alle cartelle cliniche sul web
Ok alle cartelle cliniche sul web
Monday 26 February 2024, 17:11 - Last updated : 17:21
2 Minutes of Reading

The hospital company «San Pio» of Benevento is increasingly keeping up with the times: from today, in fact, it is possible to request medical records by connecting to the website . A new digital health tool, available to citizen-users, launched for the first time by the current strategic management. In particular, the electronic medical record (EMR) collects all the documents that tell the clinical history of a patient in digital form. No more queues, therefore. With a few simple clicks, it will be possible to consult and request medical records starting from 2017. From the first of April, medical records will also be available for the years ranging from 2009 to 2016. Access to online services is allowed to users with a Spid identity. Access credentials are strictly personal and their use is not delegable.

Once on the home page, ( it is necessary to click on the item «Release of online medical records». At that point, just click the link «Access the Cds Platform» and enter with Spid (Public system of digital identity) on the dedicated portal. On the dashboard, the user will be able to view the present health documents. To access the content of the health documents, it is necessary to proceed with the payment of the ticket by connecting to the PagoPa service provided by the Campania Region directly from the platform. The cost for each medical record is five euros. «The expansion of the online services offer - underlines the general manager of the hospital company Maria Morgante - is a way to simplify, without moving from home, the bureaucratic procedures for the release of health documentation. Through digitization, the administrative processes related to the provision of health care become increasingly efficient and fast».

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