School Transport Vehicles Inspected in Giugliano-Villaricca

Controlli polizia Giugliano
Controlli polizia Giugliano
Friday 1 March 2024, 20:09
2 Minutes of Reading
Yesterday morning, officers from the Giugliano-Villaricca police station conducted an extraordinary service aimed at checking vehicles used for school transportation. During the service, the police checked several vehicles, finding that one of them lacked the periodic inspection and, therefore, the driver was administratively sanctioned; while two others were circulating without the prescribed authorizations, therefore, the drivers were charged with a violation of the road code for improper use of the vehicle with the simultaneous withdrawal of the vehicle registration document. Moreover, the operators also found that one of these had reported the loss of the vehicle's registration document to request a duplicate since the vehicle was already subject to administrative seizure due to lack of insurance coverage. For these reasons, the offender was also reported. Furthermore, during the same checks, the agents sanctioned an illegal parking attendant and two other people for lack of insurance coverage and for lack of circulation documents.
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