Scooter Thieves Caught Red-Handed by Carabinieri

Sorpresi a rubare scooter e attrezzi nei garage, presi grazie ai cittadini
Sorpresi a rubare scooter e attrezzi nei garage, presi grazie ai cittadini
Thursday 14 March 2024, 22:10 - Last updated : 23:07
2 Minutes of Reading
Caught stealing scooters, apprehended by the carabinieri. The military personnel of the Radiomobile Section of the Avellino Company arrested a 67-year-old from Montemiletto and reported a young local in a state of freedom, deemed responsible together for the crimes of theft and attempted continued theft. The criminal action was interrupted thanks to the intervention of some citizens, who surprised the two individuals while they were trying to steal a scooter from a garage in Atripalda. Following a report received at 112, two patrols were dispatched. Upon arrival, the carabinieri arrested the man and seized various burglary tools, a flashlight, and gloves. The immediate action also made it possible to trace and stop the alleged accomplice, who had fled just before the arrival of the Carabinieri. According to what emerged from the initial investigations, the two individuals, both already known to the law enforcement agencies, would have damaged and opened several garages, from which they stole the aforementioned scooter and some electrical tools. All the stolen goods were returned to the rightful owners.
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