Series of Armed Robberies in Torre del Greco and Scafati: Minor Arrested

Quattro rapine in una notte: arrestato un minorenne
Quattro rapine in una notte: arrestato un minorenne
Wednesday 27 March 2024, 14:23 - Last updated : 28 March, 08:53
2 Minutes of Reading
He would have scored, together with three other accomplices still to be identified, three armed robberies and a fourth unsuccessful attempt between Torre del Greco and Scafati. A minor has been arrested. To execute the precautionary custody order with placement in a community issued by the juvenile court judge of Naples, were the officers of the Torre del Greco police station and the carabinieri of the Scafati station. According to the reconstruction of the investigators, on the night of last January 23, a commando composed of four people, among whom the minor reached by the precautionary order, would have carried out serial robberies. In particular, 35 minutes after midnight the four would have taken possession of a Honda CBF motorcycle, the wallet, and the cellphone of a young man through threats and violence; then in Scafati the same group attempted to rob the backpack of a foreign person without succeeding; subsequently, they took possession of a Fiat Panda and the cell phone owned by a person and finally they stole a Fiat 500 L and the cell phone from three women, against whom a pistol was used as a weapon of threat. The investigations of the investigative team of the Torre del Greco police station and those of the military of the Scafati station, also thanks to the video surveillance images of the areas where the events took place, initially allowed to identify the vehicle with which the robbers had moved and subsequently to shed light on all the robberies that would have been committed by the minor, in concert with the other three accomplices in the process of identification. After the formalities, the arrested youth was taken to a community lodging of the juvenile services.
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