Sos 1523 Salvatutti: A Campaign Against Violence in Public Spaces

la violenza
la violenza
Sunday 5 May 2024, 18:12 - Last updated : 18:45
2 Minutes of Reading
There are numerous stickers in the public places of the city that have been distributed inviting to report any episode of violence to the number 1523. This is part of the campaign against all forms of violence “Sos 1523 Salvatutti” which, as reminded by Angelo Pisani, a lawyer from Naples and president of the NoiConsumatori association, “aims to provide assistance also to men who, just like many women, are victims of violence, a phenomenon in constant growth.” The campaign continues in Naples to protect - as the promoters specify - all human beings, without any discrimination and differences of any kind or age. In a note, Pisani recalls the commitment, in this area, of the project coordinator, Angela Russo, a lawyer, “in protecting also the rights of men.”
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