Servants of the State: The Judiciary's Role in the Fight Against Organized Crime

Friday 19 April 2024, 12:15 - Last updated : 15:09
3 Minutes of Reading
An enlightening dialogue on the role of the judiciary in the relentless war against organized crime, but above all a conversation that places at its center the figure of the magistrate as a modern hero, often ready to sacrifice themselves to pursue that goal of Justice which the State in its most noble sense must guarantee. All of this is in "Servants of the State", an evening organized by the Rotary Club Napoli Est in interclub with the homonymous club of Napoli Nord, led by Francesco Tavassi, and which will be held on April 23, 2024, at the Hotel Vesuvio on Via Partenope 45 (Naples) starting from 8 PM. The event is sponsored by the Antonino Caponnetto Foundation, an entity that continues to promote values of civic commitment and the fight against organized crime. At the heart of the meeting will be the testimonies of two magistrates emblematic of the fight against mafias and organized crime: Catello Maresca and Cesare Sirignano. "Catello Maresca, known for his decisive role in the fight against the Casalesi clan and in the capture of the last clan leader Michele Zagaria, is an example of courage and integrity. His fight against the Camorra and his intellectual contribution to understanding the links between organized crime and the social fabric make him a prominent figure in the Italian judicial scene. Cesare Sirignano is considered one of the pillars of the DDA (Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia) of Naples and is deemed by the protagonists of the fight against the Campania Camorra, contributing significantly to dismantling the Casalesi clan and ending long periods of hiding like that of Antonio Iovine, whom he later managed the collaboration with justice, and of Giuseppe Setola and his commando, interrupting the blood trail of the massacre season enacted in 2008. He stands out for his dedication to justice and for the commitment to spreading the values of legality, representing a beacon of hope and a model to follow," explains Angelo Coviello, the main promoter of the initiative. He adds: "The recent repentance of a historical figure of the Camorra like Francesco Sandokan Schiavone, as revealed by Cronache di Caserta, marks a fundamental turning point in the fight against organized crime on one side, but on the other reaffirms the fundamental role of the Judiciary in our justice system. Through 'Servants of the State', we want to pay tribute and give voice to those who, like magistrates Maresca and Sirignano, represent the advanced frontier of this battle, testifying their commitment to a fairer and more equitable society often risking themselves." In addition to the two magistrates and Coviello, president of the Rotary Club Napoli Est and coordinator of the Partenopean Group, at the speakers' table will sit Francesco Tavassi, president of the Rotary Club Napoli Nord. The governor of the Rotary District 2101, Ugo Oliviero, will extend his greetings, emphasizing the importance of civic and institutional commitment. "The personal and professional sacrifice that magistrates like Maresca and Sirignano make daily for justice," explains Coviello, "reflects deeply the Rotary values of service, integrity, and leadership. This unconditional commitment to the common good and the building of a more ethical and just community is in full harmony with the Rotary ideal that encourages every member to live according to the principle of 'Service Above Self.' 'Servants of the State' is not only a tribute to these heroes of justice but also a reminder of the intrinsic value of such sacrifices, which resonate with the mission and values of Rotary to promote peace and support education."
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