Stefania Martucci Becomes New President of Leo Club Caserta Host

La nuova presidente Stefania Martucci
La nuova presidente Stefania Martucci
Thursday 2 May 2024, 15:24 - Last updated : 15:25
2 Minutes of Reading
Stefania Martucci is the new president of the Leo Club Caserta Host, founded in 1978 on the initiative of the Lions Club Caserta Host. She succeeds Alessandro Fedele, who led the reconstitution of the youth association last year, in a normal rotation. Having graduated with honors from the 'Pietro Giannone' classical high school in Caserta and at the university in the Department of Law of the University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli', she combines with eagerness her studies, commitment to volunteering, and passion for painting faces and for singing, fully expressing the musical talent inherited from her paternal grandmother Clementina Villani, an excellent pianist trained at the school of Francesco Cilèa. The new President will take office on the first of July along with Caterina Villano (vice-president), Rosaria Mona (secretary), Antonio Vicario (master of ceremonies), Giuseppe Martucci (treasurer), Giulia Boccagna, and Claudio Cutillo (communication officers).
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