Summer Online: No Break for Diet with AI-Powered Personalized Meal Delivery

Dieta pronta anche sotto l'ombrellone con Feat Food: anche in spiaggia ora è possibile ricevere pasti bilanciati
Dieta pronta anche sotto l'ombrellone con Feat Food: anche in spiaggia ora è possibile ricevere pasti bilanciati
Sunday 15 August 2021, 11:20 - Last updated : 26 February, 15:10
2 Minutes of Reading
Online summer. The diet doesn't go on vacation, not even in summer. Especially if there is a service that allows those who do not want to deviate too much, to continue following their diet even on vacation. The startup Feat Food has created an innovative service, thanks to which the diet made of personalized and balanced ready-made dishes studied by Artificial Intelligence based on the physical characteristics and fitness goals of users, is delivered directly to the home. And it doesn't matter if the home in August moves from the city house to the beach umbrella or a mountain cabin, Feat Food arrives everywhere: 'We entrust the delivery service to external couriers who deliver all over Italy - explains Andrea Lippolis, founder and CEO of Feat Food - Our meals are kept in the fridge for a week and travel in a protected atmosphere to preserve their quality'. No more stress, then, for the search for a holiday location and a place that satisfies particular dietary needs nor for having to procure the ingredients and weigh the right amounts, to follow the regime prescribed by the nutritionist. Last minute diet, how to lose 2 kg in one day (with surprising menu) Feat Food in a few steps: the user, who wishes to receive a personalized meal plan made up of ready-made meals, fills out a short form on the site providing his physical characteristics and fitness goals, such as weight loss or muscle mass increase. Customize meals, weights or enter your food preferences; choose the number of meals you want per week and the number of weeks you want to follow the diet. At this point, the Machine Learning algorithms study the menu with the right combinations of chosen foods and their respective weights. The meals are then weighed and prepared by a brigade of cooks in a production laboratory in Milan, based on the indications received. Once ready, the boxes are picked up by couriers and delivered to the indicated address, even in holiday locations, from the riviera to mountain resorts, to remain faithful to healthy eating even on vacation. Feat Food is an Italian startup, born in Lecce in 2015 and moved to Milan the following year, which has developed an artificial intelligence system capable of preparing balanced and personalized meals based on the physical characteristics and fitness goals of the consumer, which are delivered to homes all over Italy. From 2015 to today, the company has raised 2 million euros in investments and financing; among the investors, the multinationals Riso Gallo and Amadori, which are also commercial partners. The main distribution channel is e-commerce, which is accompanied by a direct sales point in Milan and intelligent refrigerators (the result of a partnership with Fresco Frigo) located inside fitness centers and companies. Last minute diet, here's what to eat to lose 5 kg in 3 days: in shape for Ferragosto
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