Tax Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme Uncovered in Naples' Food Distribution Sector

Aversa, bancarotta e frode fiscale: due arresti e supermercati sequestrati
Aversa, bancarotta e frode fiscale: due arresti e supermercati sequestrati
Monday 29 April 2024, 15:03 - Last updated : 30 April, 09:34
2 Minutes of Reading
Two entrepreneurs under house arrest, four others subjected to the precautionary measure of mandatory residence, seals on 120,000 euros and two supermarkets. This is the outcome of the investigation by the Naples North Prosecutor's Office and the Aversa Group of the Guardia di Finanza into a system of tax frauds and money laundering set up by entrepreneurs operating in the province of Caserta in the food distribution sector; they are also being proceeded against for destructive fraudulent bankruptcy. The restrictive measures were issued by the GIP of Naples North. The tax fraud ascertained amounts to 337,000 euros. The investigation started from the bankruptcy of a company owning two supermarkets. The financial police discovered that the administrators had emptied the company of all assets without paying any tax obligations and with the purpose of withdrawing them from the execution of creditors, then reintroducing goods and money into three other companies that were clones of the bankrupt one; thus, there was full continuity between the various corporate entities. The liabilities towards creditors amounted to 654,000 euros. Two clone companies were seized - which were contested administrative responsibility as a consequence of the crime of self-money laundering committed by the leaders - with two supermarkets, whose activity, however, was not stopped and will continue with an administrator appointed by the GIP.
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