Teenager Detained for Weapon Possession in Giugliano in Campania

Trovato con coltello e tirapugni a Qualiano
Trovato con coltello e tirapugni a Qualiano
Thursday 29 February 2024, 09:31 - Last updated : 18:31
2 Minutes of Reading
The Carabinieri of the mobile section of Giugliano in Campania have reported a 15-year-old from Qualiano for carrying weapons. The young man was driving a scooter along with a peer. Stopped during a traffic check, he appeared particularly nervous. Under the scooter's seat, the military discovered a knuckleduster, a 21-centimeter switchblade, and 49 blank cartridges. The material was seized along with the scooter, which was found to be without insurance and revision. The minors were handed over to their parents.
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