The Battle Against Fake Italian Food Products

Il presidio della Coldiretti
Il presidio della Coldiretti
Monday 8 April 2024, 18:15 - Last updated : 18:17
2 Minutes of Reading
The fight against the invasion of foreign food products falsely sold as Italian also sees the participation of the Coldiretti delegation from Caserta, led by President Enrico Amico and Director Giuseppe Miselli, who for years have been committed to defending the production excellences of Terra di Lavoro, through a work of protection of Casertan trademarks. They, today and tomorrow, are with the farmers from all regions who, led by the national president Ettore Prandini, have left their companies to guard the Brenner pass and unmask the "Fake in Italy" at the table, by checking the content of trucks, refrigerated trucks, tankers with the crucial collaboration of the law enforcement. This is an action made necessary by the uncontrolled arrivals of food from abroad that often do not comply with the same rules as national ones, thus engaging in unfair competition with Italian productions causing the prices paid to farmers to collapse. For the occasion, Coldiretti's analysis of "No Fake in Italy", with data on the phenomenon, will be presented. At stake are the health of the citizens and the future of the Italian agri-food sector.
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