The Enchanting Tales of Love and Mystery in the Magical City of Naples

Lo spettacolo «San Valentino, fantasmi d'amore»
Lo spettacolo «San Valentino, fantasmi d'amore»
Saturday 10 February 2024, 14:19
2 Minutes of Reading

The events of the ghosts in love that populate our magical city, a buffet of tastings and the poignant notes of the Neapolitan tradition from the 1600s to the 1800s, for an unforgettable Valentine's Day.

Naples is an unpredictable city. Behind its sunny and carefree face hides a lunar and disturbing profile, a city that reveals itself in parts and not to everyone.

Naples is a magical city, and those who want to truly know it must be willing to follow the paths traced by the thousand voices that come from the past, from the whispers that run from house to house, from mouth to mouth.

The stories, the thousand stories of mystery, those never written, those that for centuries from house to house, from grandmother to grandmother, have been preserved intact and rustproof, are disappearing. And with them a piece of history, the wealth of an ancient, priceless memory.

This show is born from a belief: to know Naples, the real Naples, you have to follow the thread of its unwritten stories. On the notes of ancient songs accompanied by a company of old-time jesters, you can really start an imaginary journey among shadows, stories and legends lost in the fog of the past.

The characters of this show have an eternity to tell, and together with their story they will reconstruct fragments of reality of the city of Partenope.

They will tell of Cola Pesce, Bella Imbriana, King Nasone and Maria D'Avalos, the Legend of the Griffon Bird and the Magpies of Pignasecca.

Through the voices of the characters or their ghosts, you will be able to savor the taste of ancient legends, never dormant.

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