The Launch of the 'Quality of Life Committee' in Naples

Il comitato risponde alle esigenze di sicurezza dei cittadini
Il comitato risponde alle esigenze di sicurezza dei cittadini
Wednesday 15 May 2024, 16:47
2 Minutes of Reading

The 'Quality of Life Committee' is established in Naples. "The Committee," reads a statement released by its promoters, "aims to promote the principles of the quality of life ideology in the Eighth and Ninth Municipalities, through initiatives related to the promotion of agriculture, fair urban construction, the improvement of productivity, coexistence, safety, and the well-being of the resident citizens."

"With the establishment of the Committee," states the president, Domenico Esposito, "we connect national governance to the needs of the territory, thanks to cooperation with authoritative figures of national politics such as Sergio Costa, Vice President of the Chamber, and of local politics with the President of the Eighth Municipality Nicola Nardella, then again the lawyer Fabio Procaccini with the role of advisor, the pedagogist expert in disabilities Filomena Esposito, and others. The method we will follow is to identify a project team that develops quantitative feasibility plans starting from the qualitative analysis that I presented in a public meeting last January 20th at the Academy shared by citizens, companies, and associations."

The Committee - the promoters assert - "is the operational expression on the field of the Academy of Quality of Life, also presided over by Domenico Esposito, which pursues in the same manner common goals such as 'improving the quality of life by encouraging the development of the fundamental productive sectors of the territory of the Eighth and Ninth Municipalities of the Municipality of Naples, and of the surrounding areas: promoting sustainable practices, encouraging environmental awareness, realizing cultural events for the knowledge and conservation of traditions, supporting charitable initiatives, favoring well-being through artistic, scientific, and cultural events."

The Committee is the continuation of the namesake Movement, created about fifteen years ago, by Domenico Esposito. Just like the Quality of Life Movement, "the Committee aims to promote the principles of the quality of life ideology in the territories of the Eighth and Ninth Municipalities, through initiatives related to the promotion of agriculture, fair urban construction, the improvement of productivity, coexistence, safety, and the well-being of the resident citizens."

"Many residents," concludes Esposito, "feel the need to be represented in their demands and needs, because the task continues to be that of activating projects that start from ideas of valorization of this territory. In this sense, politics can and must be present, to ensure certain solutions and a dignified future for our children."

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