The Passion of Christ in Modern Times: A Reflective Theatrical Event

Via Crucis
Via Crucis
Wednesday 20 March 2024, 11:09
3 Minutes of Reading
Wars, deaths off the coast of the Mediterranean, destruction, inhumanity, domestic murders, poverty, hunger. The Passion of Christ relives every day, for over two millennia, in the cross that continues to be borne by man in a world where there is no justice, charity, peace. Easter is among the moments of the Christian religion that most induce man's reflection on humanity. Along these lines, the Municipality of Trecase presents, on Sunday, March 24th at 7:30 pm, an extraordinary event steeped in culture, art, and philosophical-religious reflection. 'The Man' is the dramatization of the Passion of Christ, a theatrical representation with cinematic flashes in which modern man overlaps with the Son of God who was crucified for human beings, but whose sacrifice still seems to be in vain. The experimental show will be held at Villa Filippone, in the homonymous crossroad in Trecase, and has the artistic direction of Onofrio Brancaccio, an expert in communication and Rai director. The show is part of the 'Metropolitan Events 2023/2024' schedule, wanted and organized by the Municipal Administration of Trecase, led by Mayor Raffaele De Luca and with the sponsorship and contribution of the Metropolitan City of Naples. A dense calendar of high-quality events that started with the Christmas events and will conclude in September 2024. The work in its entirety will be directed by Brancaccio who has written it together with three important theatrical realities of the territory, whose directors are Ignazio Panariello, Ludovico Molinari, and Tommaso Oropallo, who in turn will take care of the staging of the 'scenes' to be represented. Moreover, the artistic-cultural direction collaborated with the clergy, in particular with Don Antonio Ascione of the Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie e San Gennaro and Don Francesco Pinto of the parish of Sant'Antonio da Padova, to respect the theological assumption in the narrative. The Palm Sunday show is structured on four scenes that will move extemporaneously, with actors in period costumes placed on four stages. In the representation, between past and future, references will emerge to the children of the Gaza Strip, to the mothers who saw their children die at sea while being helped by NGOs, to the Syrians and Libyans fleeing war. To the Ukrainian population harshly hit by the war with powerful Russia. The drama of today's humanity compared with the Passion and crucifixion of Christ among betrayals, interest, devastation. A moment of high artistic thickness, but also an alternative to live the preparation for Easter by asking many questions about where humanity is going. The event, also realized with the support of Teresa Matrone, councilor for Culture of Trecase, will also avail of the collaboration of many volunteer associations of the territory that will take care of the security and logistics of the event. 'This event,' said artistic director Onofrio Brancaccio, 'was realized by involving the numerous important realities of the territory that deal with making culture and social involvement, involving children and adults in high-quality initiatives. Thus, thanks to Mayor Raffaele De Luca and the Municipal Administration, we have brought to our territory a new representation of the Passion that had many connections with the current situation. Research and experimentation, also with the fusion of expressive styles, characterize the entire schedule of Metropolitan Events.'
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