The Value of Business Organization and its Impact on Society and Economy

Forum al Tarì di Marcianise
Forum al Tarì di Marcianise
Sunday 17 March 2024, 18:22
2 Minutes of Reading
The academic, entrepreneurial, and professional world has analyzed the value of business organization and its impact on the social and economic fabric, addressing the theme of coordination and division of labor from the perspective of a more conscious and sustainable economy. The intervention of the legislator has been at the center of the debate, highlighting the constraints and opportunities introduced to redefine the organizational structures of companies. This scenario is leading to a growing awareness among entrepreneurs: it is not just about maximizing profit, but adopting a new logic aimed at producing human and social capital for the common good. The role of professionals becomes increasingly strategic to contribute to promoting greater attention to production methods, so that companies can generate well-being without harming natural resources,” said Francesco Matacena, president of the order of chartered accountants and accounting experts of North Naples, speaking at the conference “The value of organization in business” promoted by the Tarì goldsmith center of Marcianise, sponsored by Confindustria Caserta, Order of Journalists, Odcec of Caserta, Naples and North Naples. “Our role is of fundamental importance,” emphasized Antonio Garofalo, president of the Tarì Foundation and rector of the University of Naples Parthenope, “in providing suggestions that are in line with the needs of the territory. The organization of companies, especially here in the Tarì center, assumes particular relevance. This is a place where companies have achieved extremely significant results, but there is still much to do, especially in view of internationalization and corporate reorganization.” It is necessary to overcome the structural constraints typical of the center-south, such as those concerning small businesses, and above all to invest in innovation, especially from the perspective of digitalization. It is precisely this innovative capacity that could mark a turning point for companies in the South. The debate was attended by Eraldo Turi, head of the Odcec of Naples who pointed out that “the organization within the company is a fundamentally important aspect, so much so that even the civil code deals with regulating this issue. At the table of speakers were also the president of the Order of Journalists of Campania, Ottavio Lucarelli and Nicolò Ambriani, professor of Commercial Law at the University of Florence.
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