The Value of Every Child's Participation in Addressing Bullying and Cyberbullying

La ministra per le disabilità Alessandra Locatelli
La ministra per le disabilità Alessandra Locatelli
Friday 22 March 2024, 15:15 - Last updated : 23 March, 08:05
2 Minutes of Reading
«The thing I am most concerned about is that the child was an added value in the meeting, just as every child who takes part in discussions, especially on such important topics, like bullying, cyberbullying, countering disrespect, and lack of dignity towards people», said the Minister for Disabilities, Alessandra Locatelli, referring to the autistic child removed by the headmaster of the school he attends in Afragola during an event organized in the gym for the day against bullying, speaking on SkyTg24. «What always somewhat disconcerts me - the minister added - is that we talk about resources, about rules to improve, I talk about it often myself, but I also often talk about the fact that we need to make a big leap in quality, in civilization, and everyone must realize that they need to have a different outlook, especially with children. We must be the first to encourage participation, talent, skills of everyone, which also comes through a different way of participating and that is an added value from my point of view. We need to build this path together, maybe sometimes it may not be everything as we would like and mistakes can be made and I understand that, but we need to give signals especially starting from school. That child, his participation was an added value at that moment and it is the participation of every child, whether it is a conference, the moment of confrontation, the trip. There are also beautiful examples, in our country there are very positive examples, well I would say to take example from those». On the case also intervened Pina Castiello, undersecretary to the presidency of the Council of Ministers, who asked «for the intervention of the minister of disabilities and the head of the Miur, so that the behavior of the school principal can be immediately assessed and possibly sanctioned. On this episode - the representative of the League concluded -, I will also formally draw the attention of the regional school office for Campania».
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