Trial for Alleged Accomplices in Improta Murder Case Concludes

Il processo davanti al giudice monocratico
Il processo davanti al giudice monocratico
Thursday 22 February 2024, 19:51
2 Minutes of Reading
The trial against Francesco Murgo, the single judge, took place. The defendants were Eugenio Perone, 53 years old from Bonea with several criminal records, defended by lawyers Vittorio Fucci and Daniela Martino, and Sandro Cerulo, 41 years old from Solopaca, and Francesca Fucci, defended by lawyer Elvira Pancari. The defendants were accused of having engaged in serious personal aiding and abetting in the Improta murder, which would have made it possible to divert the investigations. The facts date back to the period from July to December 2018. The investigations were characterized by carabinieri stakeouts, telephone and environmental interceptions, and video recording service. As a result of the trial investigation, the public prosecutor asked for the acquittal for Sandro Cerulo and Francesca Fucci and the conviction for Eugenio Perone to 2 years and 6 months. The judge, instead, sentenced Cerulo and Fucci to one year in prison. Furthermore, partially accepting the theses of lawyers Fucci and Martino, Perone was sentenced to 'only' 2 years in prison. He did not recognize, accepting the defense's requests, the compensation damages to the civil parties. The defenders announce that they will appeal.
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