Twelve Wrinkled Heralds: A Tale of Art and Spirit in Naples

José Vicente Quirante Rives
José Vicente Quirante Rives
Tuesday 30 April 2024, 17:57
2 Minutes of Reading
The Colonnese Publishing House, in collaboration with the Regional Directorate Museums Campania presents, on Tuesday, May 7th (5:00 PM), in the evocative setting of the Refectory of the Certosa di San Martino in Naples, 'Twelve Wrinkled Heralds' by Josè Vicente Quirante Rives, a story published in the historic and elegant 'Lo Specchio di Silvia' series. Inspired by the figures of the prophets painted by Ribera in the Certosa di San Martino, the story is composed of twelve agile chapters, twelve narrative pieces finely crafted by the pen of the cultured and passionate Spanish writer, in a tight, intimate, and lively dialogue between History and Spirit, in the shadow of the monastery. With keen intellectual curiosity, Quirante investigates the wrinkled features of Jusepe de Ribera's prophets, retracing impressions of travelers and scholars, rediscovering the struggle of living in seventeenth-century realism, albeit transfigured, but above all trying to guess - in some figures of these 'mediators' suspended between earth and heaven, between God and man - a key to interpretation in the 'new Jerusalem' of the Apocalypse. After the greeting from the director of the Certosa and Museum of San Martino, Francesco Delizia, the author will be discussed by: the historian Aurelio Musi and the writer Antonella Cilento, moderated by the journalist Giuseppe Pesce. Josè Vicente Quirante Rives (Cox, Spain, 1971), lawyer and writer, a degree in philosophy, was the director of the Cervantes Institute in Naples. He has published numerous essays dedicated to Spanish Naples and founded in Spain the Partenope publishing house, which inaugurated its catalog with Il resto di niente by Enzo Striano. Since 2020, he has been an honorary citizen of Naples. In the same year, Colonnese published his novel Shadow and Revolution. Variations on the Naturalist Domenico Cirillo in Italy.
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