Two-Day Strike Announced at Jabil Plant in Marcianise

Protesta dei lavoratori Jabil
Protesta dei lavoratori Jabil
Thursday 2 May 2024, 11:47 - Last updated : 14:11
2 Minutes of Reading

Two days of strike for today and tomorrow have been declared at the Jabil plant in Marcianise by the internal union representatives (Rsu) following the assembly held in the factory by the workers.

The decision comes after the company's decision, formalized during the recent meeting at Mimit, to leave the Marcianise production site, where 420 employees work; a last and unexpected act of a dispute that has been dragging on for a few years, with over three hundred workers already having left the company's workforce at Jabil.

The company, which in the meantime has opened a plant in Croatia, had never hinted at a total disengagement from Marcianise and Italy, at most it had suggested further layoffs that would have reduced the workforce from the current 420 employees to 250. A cold shower for the workers of the Caserta production site, who on April 18 had launched a heartfelt appeal, claiming to be “absolutely necessary for the Italy system”, as specialists in strategic sectors such as digital transition, energy, and the green economy.

“At the Jabil plant in Marcianise - the workers recalled- we produce electric charging stations for automotive for important clients such as Enel X, Gewiss, F2m, we are the only ones in the world certified (Golden Power) for smart sensors for the client Pirelli, and we have also specialized in the railway signaling sector, collaborating with companies of the caliber of Mermec. Our professional background could allow us to go back to working on 5G telecommunications technologies, as done in the past” the employees emphasized, refuting the Jabil version, which for years has been complaining of a crisis in productive orders.

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