Universal Civil Service: New Application Deadline Announced

L'assessora alle Politiche sociali Carmen Coppola
L'assessora alle Politiche sociali Carmen Coppola
Monday 11 March 2024, 16:12
2 Minutes of Reading

The councilor for Social Policies at Palazzo Mosti, Carmen Coppola, announces that there is still a chance for latecomers to apply. The application deadlines have indeed been reopened and extended until 10 AM on March 14th. The call includes the selection of 52,236 operators and is only open to those who have not yet had the opportunity to apply for this type of service.

The application can only be submitted online through the website https://domandaonline.serviziocivile.it, provided that the applicant has a Spid. In any case, Anci Campania clarifies that it will proceed with the interviews of the volunteer operators who applied in the first and regular session, as they have been scheduled. Subsequently, a single supplementary session will be planned, open to future new applicants who will apply in the session of March 11-14.

«For the Municipality of Benevento – explains councilor Coppola – the following projects are active: "Rilanci Campania 2024" (6 volunteers); "Comunità solidale 2024" (6 volunteers); "Biblioteca per tutti 2024" (5 volunteers); "Campania sicura 2024" (6 volunteers)».

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