Unprovoked Assault on a Young Foreigner in Corso Umberto

Picchiato dal branco a corso Umberto
Picchiato dal branco a corso Umberto
Friday 23 February 2024, 14:22 - Last updated : 23:15
2 Minutes of Reading

He would have been surrounded without reason and beaten to a pulp, a young foreigner attacked in Corso Umberto. The violence, carried out by a group of six people, caused him such eye damage that he had to go to the emergency room.

The incident was commented on by Francesco Emilio Borrelli on his Facebook profile: «Unstoppable wave of violence and crime. The streets have never been as unsafe as now».

As a witness who turned to the deputy of the Green-Left Alliance Francesco Emilio Borrelli tells, the victim, who would be a boy of foreign origin, was returning home from work when three scooters with six people on board surrounded him and then beat him violently without giving explanations.

At that point, attracted by the noise, a car from the Municipal Police would have arrived on the spot when however the aggressors had already disappeared. The boy suffered an eye trauma reporting the fracture of the ocular orbit. For this reason, he was first treated at the CTO and then transferred to the maxillofacial department of the Federico II Polyclinic in Naples.

«The management of the Polyclinic has confirmed the hospitalization of this young man» commented Borrelli «We hope that the six cowardly attackers will be identified and arrested as soon as possible. Violence and crime are the order of the day, it is an unstoppable wave and will worsen if not intervened with determination and firmness: certain and harder penalties and more agents on the street. It is no longer tolerable that those who leave the house live constantly in fear and under threat».

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