Urban Compatibility Interventions for the Railway Line in Pompei

Pompei, approvato progetto esecutivo per interventi sulla circum
Pompei, approvato progetto esecutivo per interventi sulla circum
Tuesday 26 March 2024, 16:21
2 Minutes of Reading
“Urban compatibility interventions for the railway line in the municipality of Pompei”: the decision-making conference convened by the Autonomous Body Volturno is deemed “positive”. This was announced by Eav itself, which in a note reports that it took place in the council chamber of the Municipality of Pompei on Monday, March 25, during which the “executive project” was “approved”. In particular, the restyling of Bartolo Longo square, the lighting and the renovation of the bell tower elevator system, and the redevelopment of the road layout close to the Eav railway line, including underpasses, were subject to analysis. “The definitive project - the transport company recalls - had already been approved at the service conference in 2019, and some important interventions are already underway”. Then, in March of last year, within the framework of the development of the executive design, integrations to the works still to be carried out were evaluated. Therefore, last year - Eav further explains - a technical table was established for the sharing of modifications to the works under design that were considered, by the directly involved institutional parties (archaeological park of Pompei, pontifical sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of the Holy Rosary, and Municipality of Pompei) fully responsive to the new territorial needs as well as of public utility. At the close of the technical table, Eav was instructed to initiate the procedural variant process, preparatory to the convening of the decision-making service conference to which, in addition to the institutions of the technical table, the Campania Region, general directorate of mobility, Metropolitan City of Naples, Archaeological Superintendence of Fine Arts and Landscape for the Metropolitan City of Naples and Pompei Major Project unit were also invited to express their opinion.
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